Maintaining Your Weight Loss Goals

While on Your Period Ladies, I know how much of a pain being on your period is; and when you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle that annoying monthly visitor makes everything worse. Seriously, that uterus is out to sabotage all my wonderful progress. I decided to research what can be done to limit the…

New Fitness App!

Map My Fitness I found a new fitness app that is really neat-o and super helpful. It is called MapMyFitness and is available for free on your smartphone. I have the iPhone 4S and it works brilliantly. This app has some great features that sets it apart from calorie counters because it is designed to…

Eating Out and Staying Healthy

Tips on Eating Healthy When Eating Out This is probably the hardest hurdle to tackle when changing your lifestyle to cleaner, healthier eating. Eating out includes any restaurant, fast food, event, another person’s home, or any other place you will be consuming food that is not in your home; where you are not surrounded by…

Valuable Exercise Hint

Limit Your Exercise Excuses Here is a great tip that I have discovered these past two weeks; when you get dressed in the morning, wear your work-out clothing. If you are a work-at-home or stay-at-home person, this will be very easy for you. When you are already dressed as you will be for your work-outs,…

Garcinia Cambogia; Status Report

Taking Garcinia Cambogia Week One Diary Day 1: Excellent; felt energized without shakiness, no headaches, hunger and cravings were non-existent. I felt great all day. Day 2: Blah; after taking my four pills in the morning, I had a horrible headache all day. I had no shakiness and my hunger/cravings were non-existent. I did not…

The Un-Diet Diet

Don’t Diet! Just Eat Healthy and Exercise I was reading through my Glamour magazine and came across a wonderful article in the Body section about a weight loss plan from Dr. Yoni Freedhoff. Dr. Freedhoff has been a dedicated obesity specialist since 2004 and believes weight loss should not be rapid and dramatic with food…

Phase I Complete, Onto Phase II

Focus on Success Two days ago, I completed my required bowel prep for my blocked intestinal track. What a fabulously blah day that was LOL but it is over and done with; and I must say I am feeling better. When bouncing back from a bowel prep and getting back on track with your nutrition…

You Are What You Eat. No Really, You Are!

You Are What You Eat I have been researching quite a bit on the age-old phrase, “you are what you eat”. I’m sure this doesn’t come as a surprise to most; it is completely true. But the extent that this phrase goes astounded me. The food we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes,…


H. Pylori For those individuals who do not know what H.Pylori is or don’t understand the destruction this little spiral shaped bacteria does to one’s body, here is a crash course in Helicobacter Pylori. H.Pylori is a bacteria that more than 50% of the world’s population harbors in their gastrointestinal (GI) track, with infection rates…

Calculating Your BMR

For those of you who have not gotten the book Making the Cut, or have not had time to research the formula for calculating your BMR, or haven’t gone online, please read this post. It is very important to your lifestyle adventure to have this magic number; you will be so much more efficient and…